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Timeline Planning Worksheet


Want to know the exact steps you need to take before and after your move abroad?

If so, then this Timeline Planning worksheet is for you!

We'll send you Google Sheets worksheets listing the most important steps in your move so that you can easily keep track of everything and mark off each step as you go.

We will include two versions of the Timeline Planning worksheet - one version specifically for Americans moving abroad and another for all other countries' citizens moving abroad - so you can use the version that best matches your situation.

Each worksheet includes both simplified and detailed views of your timeline so that you can dig as deep into the details as you'd like. Here are a few of the many topics we cover in the checklist:

  • Before moving: Canceling contracts in your home country, setting up your financial situation, mail forwarding to your new address, planning for where to live in your new destination, starting the visa application process, shipping your belongings, relocating pets, and more…
  • During the move: Booking taxi services from the airport to initial accommodations, getting around on public transportation, purchasing prepaid phone plans, withdrawing money from ATMs, and more...
  • After arriving: Finding long-term apartments, signing mobile phone and Internet contracts, registering with utility companies, filing taxes, opening bank accounts, exchanging money, building a personal network, and more...

We will deliver the worksheets along with an in-depth video explaining how to use them by email.

Benefits of Buying Our Timeline Planning Worksheet

  • Get clarity: Have a single place to look to see everything that you need to do before and after the move so that you can stay on track
  • Avoid anxiety: Avoid getting that sinking feeling that you forgot to do something important before and after your move
  • Reduce frustrations: Avoid unnecessary extra fees, inconveniences, and frustrations that will make your move abroad more stressful than it needs to be

What You Can Expect to Find in the Timeline Planning Worksheet

  • Status: All tasks will be set to “To do” by default. You can change them to “In progress,” “Done,” and “Not needed” as you work through all of the items in the sheet
  • Task: Short description of what you need to do for the step in that row. Check the Notes column for more detail
  • Topic: The topic of your move that the task is related to. Examples include Immigration, Moving, Settling In, Pets, Schools, and Housing
  • Suggested Dates: The sheet includes three suggested dates for each task based on your moving date: 1) when you should start working on it, 2) when it’s recommended to be completed by, and 3) when it should definitely be finished by
  • Details: All the detailed notes related to the task so that you know what you need to think through and do, based on our research and experience
  • Relevant Websites: While not every task has this column filled, many tasks include one or more links to websites related to them so that you can easily get more information
  • Your Notes: Write your own notes as you proceed through each step so you can remember what you’ve already done and what you need to do next

Stay as Flexible as Your Moving Plans

  • See your progress at a glance: Conditional formatting in the spreadsheet will help you to easily see which tasks you haven’t started yet, which tasks are in progress, and which tasks have been completed
  • Update your moving date: If you update your estimated moving date, then all other dates in the spreadsheet will automatically adjust accordingly
  • Adjust the recommended dates: You can control the start, recommended to finish, and finish dates by changing the number of days used in those calculations
  • See only the data you want to: Use filters to see only the steps in a given section that have a certain status or are in a specific category

Selected Client Review: "I thought Expat Empire did an excellent job of letting us know what and when we need to get certain tasks completed. They had several items on the spreadsheet that we did not originally think of. " - E.Z, USA to Austria

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American and Non-American Citizen Versions
We provide all clients with 2 versions of this worksheet - one version for Americans moving abroad and another version for other countries' citizens moving abroad
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Timeline Planning Worksheet

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